Paula hosts the podcast, Can Art Save Us? She interviews diverse, multi-award winning, international artists about their lives and work, involving healthy doses of courage and curiosity.
Paula explores courage and curiosity cultivated by the Arts and why these qualities matter to our mental, societal and democratic health. The series researches how the Arts are high value and critical for social cohesion, reducing loneliness, mental health, peace-keeping, innovation, equality, combatting racism and discrimination and as part of transformative education. The series also elevates joy and hope through the voices of guests as part of activism, struggle and positive change.
"What a wonderful podcast. Thank you for everything you're doing." BAFTA nominated, award-winning actress, Julie Hesmondhalgh.
"This is beautiful. I love it."
Musa Motha, award-winning dancer, national hero in South Africa, Britain's Got Talent finalist.
Free to listen and subscribe, the podcast is available on all major platforms including samsung, apple, spotify, google, amazon music distributed by
Paula has interviewed throughout her career. Jazz, blues and music legends, including Ray Charles, Curtis Mayfield, Herbie Hancock, Isaac Hayes, Bo Diddley, Lionel Richie, Ry Cooder and Quincy Jones for NBC TV. For BSkyB Movies, Hollywood stars and film casts also working as an Exec Producer and the Head of Production. Across prestigious museums, galleries and Arts venues, she has interviewed artists and makers.
Paula is a Research Associate with the internationally leading, Sidney de Haan, Arts & Wellbeing Centre. This is the first podcast series to become formally associated with the Centre's critical research at CCC University. Paula is also an Associate Member of the Arts and Wellbeing Centre at Brighton University. She has studied with Sussex Mindfulness, part of the NHS, the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre and the Compassion Institute led by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, the principal English translator to H.H. the Dalai Lama. She is interested in the relationship between psychology, neurology and contemplative sciences in relation to wellbeing and the Arts.
"Thanks so much for the amazing questions, research and hosting!" Netflix, documentary director, Alex Siddons.
"Such a great roving and in-depth conversation with Paula at Can Art Save Us? Yes, it can! A great pleasure."
Dr. Cherry Smyth, Poet,
Author, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
"Thank you
so much for having me
on. I really appreciate it and
it's been fantastic to speak
with you today. "
Zita Holbourne, multi-award winning artist, poet, senior Trade Unionist.
"Oh wow. You've touched on what saved my life." Dr Weliton Menário Costa, singer, scientist, global winner of Dance Your Science, 2024.
Momentum Consultancy in Ireland, included the podcast in their EU course for Social / Cultural Service Educators and Managers. This is part of Activate, promoting social prescribing across Europe.
Paula has contributed to published research with the European Cultural Foundation in a hybrid lab, “Cultural Creative Spaces and Cities." This explored the critical role of Arts & Culture in communities for social cohesion and democracy. She is a firm supporter of The Europe Challenge, a network of libraries working to enhance democratic participation and social wellbeing through citizen-led local change.
Can you help raise the Arts from deep cuts and share this free to listen podcast into your networks?
Can you help widen access to the Arts by sharing?
Especially where arts cuts are high and access is low, where social exclusion is climbing and inequality is deepening.
This podcast aims to understand the role of the Arts in more meaningful ways that are relevant to all our lives and not as isolated events and experiences or as spaces of elitism.
The series also celebrates our cultural roots, ancestral heritage, ancient wisdoms and histories told through multiple voices and the Arts. The Arts help us to connect, respect each other and understand the world better.
All episodes have subtitles plus a read only transcript below in the blog section. More short and themed videos below.
"Wow, that's such an interesting question. Wow. That really speaks to me." Otis Mensah, the UK's first hip-hop poet laureate.
"These are very interesting, very good questions. I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation."
Marwa Al-Sabouni,
Architect, Author,
Top 50 Global
Thinkers List.
"Thank you for having me and bringing such challenging questions, it's been wicked." Adam Kammerling, Slam Poet Champion, inter-disciplinary artist.
"I do admire what you are doing. I really enjoyed talking to you and wish you every success with the series. I will always be glad to work with you again."
Antony Penrose, Co-director of the Penrose Collection and
Lee Miller Archives.
" People at the University of San Diego where I teach are talking about the podcast quite openly and with considerable admiration." Award-winning author, Professor Dennis Clausen.
"Those were some fantastic questions Paula. I always enjoy being made to think a bit harder in in an interview like that. That was great fun. "
Mark Walmsley, CEO, Arts & Culture Network
"Listened to your podcast and it’s fantastic! Really authentic
conversation, congrats on such a great show!"
John Offord, BBC Producer
"Your podcast is creating important conversation Paula. Thank you for inviting me!" Qudsia Akhtar, Poet. Highly Commended, Forward Book of Poetry.
Season 8 is out on February 20th, the UN day of Social Justice.
You can now follow us on BlueSky too!
The first pre-release film interview of Survivor, was given to
Can Art Save Us? Season 7.
Directed by Zoom Rockman, award-winning political cartoonist, illustrator, puppet animator.
“Insanely talented” - Ian Hislop • “Hugely talented” - David Baddiel
Survivor is a unique animation telling the true story of Ivor Perl, who survived the Holocaust, age 12.
"Flawless. Honestly, I don't think this could have gone any better for a first interview on Survivor." Sally Vaughan, Agent / Producer
Paula is now a Research Associate with the internationally leading, Sidney de Haan, Arts & Wellbeing Centre. This is the first podcast series to be formally associated with the Centre's research. The Centre makes an internationally leading contribution to critical scholarship, research, and practice in the field of arts and health. Further collaborative partnerships are being developed with more news to follow soon!
Paula is interested in multi-disciplinary research for social impact purposes. The podcast will remain free to listen, without exclusive, monetised content, to widen Arts access for all.
Season 7, published on Sep 21st, on International Peace Day. The season includes a rare audience with Sister Gabriel, a cloistered nun with the Poor Clares. The unlikely story of two number one albums with Decca Classics and 60 million + streams.
Season 6 published on March 14th, Social Prescribing Day, listed as an online event with the National Academy of Social Prescribing.
January 2024, a 5 page editorial feature of Season 4's podcast episode with a Faerytale Doctor on healing.
Indie Shaman, an international glossy magazine, issue 59.
Paula was recently interviewed by Mark Walmsley, CEO of the Arts & Culture Network, video published soon, in 2024.
Season 5, published on World Children's day.
Guests included living dance legend, Gregory Maqoma and Musa Motha, a dancer, despite a leg amputation at age 11. Musa made TV history on Britain's Got Talent when guaranteed a place in the Semi-Finals by all 4 judges. Both artists are from South Africa with incredible stories of courage, personal and political transformation from apartheid.
Paula's live interview on regional BBC Radio about Season 4 was on BBC Sounds.
Season 4 published on Windrush Day, Windrush 75.
Guests included a world leading sculptor, Basil Watson, who created the UK's National Windrush Memorial unveiled by HRH the Prince of Wales. Guests explore the vital, social and cultural contribution of the Windrush generation, the scandal of hostile legislation and struggle for justice.
Season 3 The podcast was selected for presentation at the Cambridge University conference "Poetic Justice." The Season featured poets and spoken word artists. The conference was inspired and opened by poet, author and broadcaster, Lemn Sissay, OBE.
Season 2 published on the Day of International Friendship.
This featured a Top 50 global thinker, Syrian architect, Marwa Al-Sabouni, on 'Building Peace.'
Season 1, Amanny Mo at BBC Radio Surrey and BBC Radio Sussex covered the premier of Can Art Save Us?
Paula was interviewed with guest, Antony Penrose of Farleys House & Gallery, Home of Surrealists, Lee Miller and Roland Penrose. Oscar winner, Kate Winslet, will play 'Lee,' in the highly anticipated film, released later in 2024.
"Thank you so much again for having me amongst the list of extremely accomplished and wonderful guests that you have. And thank you so much for keeping your podcast accessible as well. I think that's that's really important." Bhumika Billa, poet, classical dancer, legal academic.
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